This week's mini collective reading was thrown using the Light Seer's Tarot Deck. This week will be anything, but an easy week for many. Emotional mergers are being had left and right, it is truly the coming together of the sacred 3. In this case it is the past, present, and future. They are all coming together right before your very eyes. In the people you love, in the places you visit every day, and in the things you once cared about. Everything is coming to a head. Speaking of heads....you'll need to mind yours this week.
As emotions are running at full speed ahead, some for the best and others not so much, mental chatter will begin to creep in heavily. At times it may feel as though no true progress is being made. It may feel as though all that you have worked for isn't panning out as you had imagined. Keep your head. This is no time to get frazzled! This is no time to panic! Many will hit a wall this week when it comes to clarity. As the waters churn up around you, decisions will need to be made. The number one question you may find yourself asking is "what now?", "where do I go from here?", "what's next?".
You need to know you are not stuck, but this will be the mental illusion posed to you, by your subconscious this week. The echoes of a past self, a past voice will be brought forward as you continue to usher the past forward to be dealt with in order to "plan" your brightest future. Do not get stuck in the past and do not look too far forward attempting to control everything, in an attempt to forge an "easy" road. Remember that you are resilient. Remember that your joy can be had in the darkest of times. You're not backsliding. You're not stagnant or stuck. You're not doomed. Nobody is pulling these strings, but you. It is time to face YOURSELF this week!
Remind yourself that you are powerful this week! It's not "what's next" or "where do I go from here" as though you have little control of your life and little options available to you. It's more "what do I want now" and "what do I see for myself". Your freedom comes from choices and decisions. Stop focusing on the problem and start focusing on the solution! If you don't like the options presented in front of you than change them. A slave you are no longer. For you are resilient. For you are Fierce. For you are greater than your past decisions. Quiet the mind this week, so you can hear the soul.
For anyone interested in the Deck used for this toss, click links below: