The energy really seems to be amping up something fierce over the weekend and this week's tarot read is asking you how raw and honest are you willing to get. Challenging you to let go of what you "think" you know and go below the surface level of things.
It's time to "zoom out".... because sometimes when we are "too close" to something, we don't always get the "bigger picture". There is a call something fierce to detach from the head heavy masculine energy and allow our emotions to be felt FULLY. Yes, it will be uncomfortable and not necessarily enjoyable, but this is a release that has a been a LONG time coming. It's no longer the time to hide behind a fake smile, while your eyes tell a different story. Eyes are the mirror to the soul friends and reveal more than words ever could!
My team is saying that "endings are becoming obvious" right now, so have the courage to fully surrender. Stop lying to yourself, stop hiding behind the illusion of what you had hoped it would be, but instead accept things for what they are. The energy is here to facilitate change, and if you have been in a space of "misalignment" things may really be on the uptick in the uncomfortable department. Things become uncomfortable in a negative way when we have stayed in a lower frequency for too long. It's time to align with a higher version of yourself, but first you must be willing to let go of what's been weighing you down.
This week's full moon/lunar eclipse brings to not only a fated type of energy, but a powerful dark feminine energy with it, calling the collective into deeper truths by bringing self-deceptive patterns and behaviors to the surface to be confronted. This is sure to bring with it deep, heavy emotions...do not run from them. Now is not the time to shame yourself or judge yourself, but rather seek understanding, or innerstanding into the intricacies that are YOU. Exploring deeply the things you have allowed for too long in your life, rooted in a lack of self-worth, guilt, grief, embarrassment ...all of the things that are often avoided in the healing journey until God/Source/Spirit/Universe, says "enough is enough". Surprise, it's that time!
This is a "turning point" for the collective, ready or not. When we reach these intense moments, there are often intense revelations, a sense of the past coming back around for review so that we can make the changes we need before the next "revolution of the wheel".
My team is giving a stern reminder that "energy doesn't lie", so disconnect from the need to make logic and reason of things right now. Allow things to just be, to come into your awareness, without having to make sense of it all in that very moment. "Put a pin in it" until later. Instead allow the subtleties (or not so subtleties) in the energy speak to you. Let the power of your intuition, and deep seated "knowing" of your soul take the center stage. Stay grounded in the present moment...you don't need to know how it all unfolds. All you need to decide is what does YOUR energy align with...because it's "move or be moved", "shift or be shifted" time, friends.