This week's collective oracle read was thrown with “Natures Wisdom Oracle” deck. This week we are focusing on or voice, our knowing, and honoring ourselves for the amazing person you are.
You have been silenced for a long time. You haven’t had the strength to stand in your power and let your voice be heard. You haven’t always been sure of who you are or what you believe in, but you have been shedding those layers of yourself that no longer server you. You have been figuring out who you are and you are being called now to worship that inner goddess. This is your time to love yourself, you have put so much into others this is your time to turn that focus on you. You are powerful and it is time to stand in all the wonderful things that make you, you. You are finding that “voice”, and it is time to use it, to speak up for yourself and own what you believe in. You have been working hard and healing is starting to look good on you.
Your instincts are strong right now. Make sure to listen to them. That inner voice is helping you to find your path. You are being reminded that if you are not sure then just ask. Your team is right beside you and ready to help all you need to do is ask. Everything you need to know you already know, but sometimes we just need that little bit of reassurance. So don’t forget that your team is here and ready to help. They are also reminding you to keep moving forward no matter what. Even if your steps are small. Every step forward is a step in the right direction, and every step counts. Sometimes it doesn’t feel like you are doing much, but they are reminding you that as long as you keep one foot in front of the other you are moving. Movement is the key this week.